Delhi Police MTS Recruitment 2018: 707 MTS Job Vacancy available to apply online

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Delhi Police Recruitment 2018: Delhi police mts recruitment vacancy 2018, delhi police recruitment 2018 online application form, exam date for delhi police recruitment 2018, application fee for delhi police mts recruitment 2017-2018, download admit card for delhi police 2018 recruitment, cook job, carpenter job,10th pass job, 12th pass job tailor etc for fresher job openings through  delhi police 2018 mts recruitment notification

Do you want to build a career in Defence! We will show you how easily to acquire a govt job through Delhi Police MTS Recruitment 2018. First of all let’s check out the details of this job. Multi Tasking Staff or shortly MTS is a group-c job offered by Delhi police where 707 vacancies are available for civilians. In a recently published notification (December 2017) Delhi Police said about these vacancies and also threw an open invitation to Indian nationals(male & female)to apply online for this job before 16 January 2018 at

Usually the Delhi police recruits defence personnel(armed forces like constable, sub-inspector, assistant sub-inspector, officer etc) as well as civilians in the department. But this time they will fill up the required vacancies with 707 civilians in various trades such as cook, dhobi(washerman), mochi(cobbler), carpenter, mali(gardener), water carrier, tailor, barber, daftri and safai karamchari as per notification number F16/1/2016/HP-I/Estt/6796-6798, dated 21/03/2017.

This notification also says that all these vacancies or seats are reserved for each category of candidates such as general(unreserved), scheduled caste(sc), scheduled tribe(st), other backward class(obc), person with disabilities (pwd), ex serviceman(ex-s) and widowed woman.

DP MTS Recruitment notification Details 2018

According to Delhi Police Recruitment 2018 Notification number F16/1/2016/HP-I/Estt/6796-6798, dated 21/03/2017, all the 707 staffs will be recruited for group-c(Non-Gazetted and Non-Ministerial) post in various trades in Delhi police under GNCT Delhi’s Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules 2017. The entire recruitment process will be under Delhi Police Recruitment Examination 2017 which includes 100 marks written test, 20 marks trade test, medical examination, character verification, documents verification, publishing merit list based on cut-off marks and final selection. Eligible candidates can download and submit application form online before the deadline of 16/01/2018.

There are normal benefits available such as age relaxation, fee concession and post reservation for scheduled caste(sc), scheduled tribe(st), other backward class(obc), ex-serviceman(ex-s), widowed/divorced woman, pwd(person with disability) categorised candidates as per central govt & state govt rules. A sum of 100 rupees processing fee need to be paid during apply. Only one person can apply for a post, if multiple application found for same post, his/her candidature will be cancelled. As this is an online application mode, so no offline application will be received or will be rejected. There is no sports quota available for mts post.

Corrigendum: The Delhi police has revised the previous recruitment notice/advertisement no DP/8862/17  published in leading news papers on 09/12/2017, Employment News/Rozgar Samachar dated 16/12/2017 and also in above said website. 

Stating that age relaxation has been extended to two years for each pwd, obc, sc and st candidates. After revision of previous advertisement, now the pwd candidate’s(category code 9) maximum age limit is 37 yrs which was normally 35 before. Obc candidate’s(category code 10) age limit became 40 which was normally 38 and sc,st candidate’s(category code 11&12) age became 42 from 40

Download Official PDF Notification

Note: There are no sports quota  available for any candidate.

There is an attractive salary for MTS job. Each categorised candidate who will get this job comes under pay scale ranges from Rs 18000 to 63200. Means during job period a group-c employee of Delhi police will get a total salary starting from 18000 upto 56900 or 63200 per month based on trade. Let’s follow the highlights for allotted number of seats and salary offered –


  1. Cook      ~ 253
  2. Water Carrier ~ 54
  3. Safai Karamchari ~ 237
  4. Mochi(cobbler) ~ 14
  5. Dhobi(Washerman) ~ 68
  6. Tailor(Darjee) ~ 16
  7. Daftri(Daftari) ~ 3
  8. Gardener(Mali) ~ 16
  9. Barber(Naee) ~ 39
  10. Carpenter(Badhee) ~ 07



All the finally selected civilians will be appointed as or on Multi Tasking Staff post(non defence).

Like previous few years the Delhi Police Recruitment Cell(DPRC) will also organise an event this year to recruit these personnel. According to above notification all the 707 civilians will be recruited directly by GNCT Delhi’s MTS Recruitment Rules 2017. As per this rule a Multi Tasking Staff Examination 2018 will be conducted where there will be two part – written test and trade test.

To appear in MTS exam 2018, firstly all candidates need to go through an online application process where a minimum Rs 100 non-refundable fee need to pay.

Permanent Govt job seeking candidates who are interested in this job should have passed Matric(10th) or equivalent or any above post relevant ITI trade from any govt recognised institution and aged between 18 to 27 at the time of application. These are the essential educational qualification and age limit to be eligible for this job.

Its a good news that in MTS Exam 2018, age and Rs 100 application fee are relaxable for some category of candidates.

Application Fee for MTS job

In Delhi Police MTS Recruitment Exam 2018, only male candidates belonging to general(Unreserved) or obc category, need to pay a sum of Rs 100 processing fee via online payment gateway such as state bank net banking, NEFT or any other available process. Candidates belonging to sc, st, ex-s and women category are exempted from paying application fee.

Any issue created during online payment such as server error or internet connection problem, candidates will be responsible for that and no claims of refunding fee will be granted. The online application process has already started from 17 December, just after releasing of Delhi police’s official notification. And all eligible candidates should download and submit application form online within 17/12/2017 to 16/01/2018 till 5 pm. No request of receiving of application after this period will be granted.

Age Limit for MTS job

It clearly notified that in Delhi Police Recruitment 2018 the maximam age relaxation for each category of sc, st, obc, pwd, ex,-s, and widowed woman candidates are as following. The common age limit for all candidates who born between 17/01/1991 to 16/01/2000. There is no age relaxation will be applicable for male candidates under general category.

Here is a age relaxation chart according to category and code. Candidates must indicate these category code during online application.

Category Code Nos.              Category Maximum relaxed & final age after corrigendum
        1 General(Unreserved/UR)         –
        2 OBC 3 yrs
        3 SC 5 yrs
        4 ST 5 yrs
        5 Widow/Divorcee and judicially separated women who are not re-married(UR) Upto 35 yrs
        6 Widow/Divorcee and judicially separated women who are not re-married(OBC) Upto 38 yrs
        7 Widow/Divorcee and judicially separated women who are not re-married(SC) Upto 40 yrs
        8 Widow/Divorcee and judicially separated women who are not re-married(ST) Upto 40 yrs
        9 PWD(UR) Upto 37 yrs
       10 PWD(OBC) Upto 40 yrs
       11 PWD(SC) Upto 42 yrs
       12 PWD(ST) Upto 42 yrs
       13 Ex-servicemen(UR) 03 yrs after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date
.      14 Ex-servicemen(OBC) 06yrs (3yrs+3yrs) after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date
       15 Ex-servicemen(SC) 08 yrs(3yrs+5yrs) after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date
       16 Ex-servicemen(ST) 08 yrs(3yrs+5yrs)after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date


Now here are step by step process to fill up the online application form easily


How to easily apply for MTS job bharti online

As Delhi Police Recruitment Board will directly appoint 707 employee in 2018, so to get the mts job in Delhi police, all aspirants need to submit an online application form within specified period of time. As we know the application process starts from 17 December 2017 and ends in 16/01/2017 so check details of online form filling process here –

1. Firstly go to DP official site

2. Now accept the terms and conditions to go to log in page.

3. New applicants click to register as a new user and already applied applicant click on Registered User by providing date of birth and registration number to edit details.

4. Now like above picture put your basic details such as name , date of birth, caste, category, nationality, religion and other credentials.

5. Finally upload a DP specified size scanned photo and submit or register yourself.

6. Take a print out of the system generated application form with an unique registration number and keep it with you for future reference such as admission to the mts exam etc

You can apply directly from here

Online Application Link

Or go to Official link –

After completing the application process DPRC will make a primary selection where successfully applied candidates will be able to be seated in MTS Exam 2018 and incompletely or wrongly applied candidates will be denied to enter the written test.

Whether you reside in state/territory of Delhi or West Bengal or Punjab or in any part of India, it does not matter, you can apply for this group-c job.

Apply Online Here

Delhi Police MTS Recruitment 2018 Eligibility criteria

There are some minimum eligibility criteria for Delhi Police Mts Recruitment 2018, various post applying candidates.

1. As we already know that Delhi Police Recruitment exam for MTS post 2018 is based on matric(10th pass) level so all the candidates from any state in India should have passed board exam from any govt recognised organization before the date of application to be eligible.

Note: Though matric is minimum educational qualification but highly educated candidates like 10+2 or graduates can also apply on conditional basis(age etc) 

2. Candiadates who have not acquired the required educational qualification at the time of filling of application form will not be eligible and need not apply.

3. There is a medical standards applicable for all posts except posts reserved for Person with Disabilities(PWD) candidates as following

  • Better eye 6/6 without glasses, worse eye 6/36, corrected with glasses to 6/9 or 6/12
  • The candidate should of sound health, free from disease, defect or deformity

4. Physical and Medical standards for Person with Disabilities candidates as following

  • The person having 40% and above disabilities will be eligible for the posts.
  • The posts for Cook and Safai Karmachari have been identified for Orthopedic Disabilities.(Orthopedic Handicapped)
  • Posts for Dhobi and Barber have been identified for Orthopedic Disabilities and Hearing Impairment
  • Posts for water carrier have been identified for Hearing Impairment only

The following table shows Details of Physical & Medical standards for PWD candidates  

Candidates who are selected against vacancies reserved for Person with Disabilities, will be medically examined by a Police Surgeon/Civil Surgeon or Medical Officer to fix medical standards of these candidates.

So PWD candidates need to follow the above Delhi police instructed physical & medical requirements carefully before applying for the post

Delhi Police MTS 2018 Selection/Recruitment Process

The Delhi police will organise several mode of selection by Delhi Police Mts Recruitment 2018 to fill up the 707 vacant posts. Firstly a primary selection will be made by sorting correctly filled online application form of all candidates. Incorrectly filled form such as wrongly put date of birth, ineligibility of candidates who applied, wrongly put category, educational qualification etc will be rejected.

1. Written Test – A 100 marks written test(OMR based) will be conducted after the primary selection of candidates. Written test is for all candidates like 10th passed or ITI. This test includes three subjects as following

Written Test Syllabus Details in pdf

A) General Intelligence and Reasoning(25 Marks)


1. Intelligence Test(IQ test)

2. General English

3. Fill in the blanks

4. General Reasoning test

B) Numerical Aptitute(25 Marks): In  numerical aptitute, maximum objective questions comes from Arithmetic, so practice these following topics hard and soul


1. Averages

2. Time & Distance

3. Time & Work

4. Speed & Velocity

5. Ratio and Proportion

6. Decimal and Fractions

7. Number System

8. Percentages

9. Fundamental Arithmetical Operations

C) General Knowledge/Current Affairs(50Marks)


1. General Science/Everyday science(life science, physical science, chemistry)

2. History(India & world)

3. Geography(India & World)

4. Economics(India & World)

5. Current events related to national and international

6. Sports with personality

7. Awards & Honours

8. Earth science

The Written Test will be bilingual(English and Hindi language) with 90 mins duration. The MTS Exam 2018 pattern is based on Multiple Choice type objective Questions(MCQ). Means there will be three or four possible answers against a question that carries one mark. Candidates need to choose write answer and blacken in OMR sheet provided by MTS recruiting authority. It means candidates need to answer all the 100 questions within 90 Minutes(one and half hour). It is not final if there is negative marking for each question but candidates should answer maximum questions correctly to be selected.

All the topicwise questions of these given subjects will be as 10th standard. Candidates can search this site for model question papers or previously held exam papers, suggestions and tips.

There is a minimum qualifying or cut-off marks are specified for mts candidates. Here we are providing a expected chart-

General Male cut of marks – upto 75

General Female cut off marks – upto 65

OBC Male cut off marks – upto 70

OBC Female cut off marks – upto 60

SC Male cut off marks  – upto 65

SC Female cut off marks – upto 55

ST Male cut off marks – upto 60

ST Female cut off marks – upto 55

PWD Male cut off marks – upto 50

PWD Female cut off marks – upto 45

EX-s and Widowed Women cut off marks – upto 40 marks

Candidates will be shortlisted based on the obtained marks on written exam and final merit list will be published upon this list.

2. Trade Test – A 20 marks trade test will be conducted for the ITI candidates. All the ITI candidates need to acquire minimum ten marks to be qualified. Candidates having higher score than ten marks will be preferred on merit list. There will be no trade test conducted for other candidates such matric or equivalent passed except the ITI.

3. Interview – After successfully appeared in these two tests, selected candidates will be called for an expected 10 mark personality test. Finally selected candidates will need to go through a document verification.

4. Document & character verification – Here all candidates need to show original documents against eligibility. If any fake documents found under any circumstances his/her candidature will be cancelled and DP Recruitment Cell will take legal action against a candidate.

Key features of DP Mts Recruitment 2018

Event Name Name of Organisation  Name of Post Number of Job Vacancy Date of Exam Mode of Application Mode of Exam Application Starting Date Application Closing Date Job Location Admit card Releasing Date Result Declaration Date Official portal
MTS Recruitment 2018 Delhi Police Recruitment Cell Multi Tasking Staff(civilian)     707 To be declared by Delhi Police on their official site soon     Online Offline 17 December 2017 16 January 2018    Delhi To be declared soon by DP on official site Tentative date is 1 month after MTS recruitment exam or

Important instructions to the MTS 2017-18 appearing candidates:

1. It is strictly prohibited to enter the exam hall with any electronic gadgets such as calculator, mobile phone or any communicable device, otherwise his/her candidature will be suspended by cancelling OMR sheet. So avoid these

2. Use only black ball point pen for signature or marking OMR sheet.

3. Wrongly filled omr sheet will be cancelled

4. Enter the exam hall 30 minutes before the exam starts.

5. Utilise the 90 mins duration to get highest score to be qualified.

6. Take well preparation before appearing the MTS 2018 exam

Note: Keep visiting our site to get a job alert about delhi police recruitment 2018 or 2019

About Delhi Police

From the establishment of Delhi Police Commission in 1966 by Government of India to adoption of Delhi Police Commissioner system in 1978 that running presently, the Delhi Police department had been being played an important role in various field. May be its social service or maintenance of law & order or any other services but recruitment of personnel in different departmental job is one of the major roll of Delhi police. DP is pioneering the way of recruitment in police jobs since independence. Now DP has a strength of 76000 manpower within 184 police station and it is likely the largest Metropolitan police in the world. The Delhi Police operates under Delhi state/territory govt rules and regulations applied by Constitution of India. The Delhi Police recruits civilians(male & female) as well as defence personnel every year in their department. And this is a good news for all aspirants that 707 MTS recruitment is going to be a biggest event of 2018.


Note: All candidates are requested to verify the original information from trusted source. There may be some mistakes in this post as the admin will not be responsible for any kind of issue applicants faced.



Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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