G-8 G-15 G-20 BRICS Groups and Its Details

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We have provided complete study material about world organisations of G-8, G-15, G-20 and BRICS groups through general knowledge(gk) quiz question and current affairs. You will get informations detailing about current and past events, news, history, political matters, international relation, frequently asked top questions and general query related to these organisations.

What is Group of


Group of 8 is an organisation or forum of world’s richest eight countries. The forum was started journey with six countries with the leadership of France in the year of 1975. The organisation came to known as group of seven(G7) after joining of Canada in 1976. Later Russia joined this forum in 1997 and its became known as group of eight(G8). Due to Crimea issue Russia was suspended in 2014 and the group reverted to G7. European Union was represented at G8 since 1980 and hosted 40th summit at Brussels for the first time.


It is the responsibility of the member nations to host the G8 summit each calender year by this rotation – France, Usa, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Heads of G8 nations and a secretary sets the agenda, hosts the summit of that year and determines about the ministerial meetings. Nations except Group-8 can participate at annual summit by invitation but the host nation leads the G-8 conference.

The group-8 nations are known as the most economically developed in the world.

The ministerial meetings of the Group-8 discuss on mutual and global issuses. Mainly focused topics are – health, labor, law enforcement, social and economic development, energy, foreign affairs, environment, terrorism and trade

Who are Group-8/g-7 Member Nations

As of 2017 the current member countries of G8 are : 1› Canada 2› France 3› Germany 4› Italy 5› Japan, Russia(suspended) 6› United Kingdom and 7› Usa 8› European Union

Who are Heads of Group of 8

Each governmental head of group-8 nations represents own country to the forum. Here is a list of all the nation’s current leaders-

1. Canada – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

2. France – President Emanuel Macron

3. Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel

4. Italy – Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni

5. Japan – Prime Minister Shinzō Abe

Russia(suspended) – President Vladimir Putin

6. United Kingdom – Prime Minister Theresa May

7. United States – President Donald Trump

8. European Union – Council President Donald Tusk

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

Group-7 Summit

The first group-8 summit was held in France in 1975. Then the group members were six before joining of Canada and Russia.

Venue and Objectives of G-7 summit 2017 :                                  

The current 43rd g-7 or group-7 summit was held in Taormina, Sicily, Italy. Due to suspension of Russia in 2014 the summit continued within g7 nations.

The main agenda those are emphasized at g7 summit are – Syrian crisis, UN mission in Lybia to reduce influence of ISIS and ISIL, North Korea issue with UN and Ukrain conflict with Russia.

Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria and Tunisia were the invited nations at the g7 summit 2017.

Venue and objectives of G7 summit 2016

The 42nd G7 summit was held in May 2016 at the Shima Kanko Hotel in Kashiko Island, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Due to suspension of Russia in 2014 the meeting continued within g7 nations.

What is Group of


The group of 20 is an international organisation of world’s twenty countries. The G-20 Or Group of twenty has been established on 20 Aug, 2003.

Who are Group of 20 nations

There are presently 23 members in this group they are : 1 > Argentina 2 > Bolivia 3 > Brazil 4 > Chelee 5 > China 6 > Cuba 7 > Equador 8 > Egypt 9 > Guatemala 10 > India 11 > Indonesia 12 > Mexico 13 > Nigeria 14 > Pakistan 15 > Paraguay 16 > Peru 17 > Phillipines 18 > South Africa 19 > Tanzania 20 > Thailand 21 > Uruguay 22 > Venezuela 23 > Zimbabwe.


What is G-15(Group

of 15):

G-15 Or Group of fifteen has been established in the year 1989 at Belgrade, Yugoslavia. The main motto of this group is to cooperate between each other. There are 18 countries are member of this group they are : 1> Jamaica 2> Mexico 3> Argentina 4> Brazil 5> Peru 6> Chelle 7> Venezuela 8> Algeria 9> Egypt 10> Kenya 11> Nigeria 12> Senegal 13> Zimbabwe 14> India 15> Indonesia 16> Iran 17> Malaysia 18> Srilanka.


What is BRICS(Brazil

Russia India China

and South Africa):

BRIC meant for an economical group of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Based on economic development these countries are also called Big four. The first conference of bric was held on 16 th june, 2009 later South africa joined this group in 2011 and therefore this called as BRICS.




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