List of Important National and International Days 2018

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List of Important National(India) and International(world) Days/dates observed in 2018: Important national day important international day General knowledge quiz topic deals about these important national and international days observed in 2017- 2018 through objective question answers. It means the important days such as Gandhi Birth Day, Republic Day, Constitution Day, World Health Day which have been celebrated in India and the World in 2018. This important days general knowledge quiz is very helpful for all the candidates who are appearing competitive exams such as IBPS, PSC, SSC, RAIL, LIC, UPSC etc in 2017-2018.

Before move on to general knowledge quiz let’s check some important days thoroughlly.

Important National and International Days/Dates 2018 List

list of Most Important Indian and international Days have been provided in general knowledge quiz. Many new days have been added. These days are unchangable. The list contains month wise important days observed from january to december in the 2018 calendar year.

Important Days In January 2018:

1st January                           World Family Day
10th January                     World Laughter Day
12th January         National Youth  Day(India)
15th January          National Army Day (India)
25 January          National Voter’s Day (India)
26 January                                   Australia Day
26th January                     Republic Day(India)
30th January.      National MartyrsDay (India)

Important Days in February 2018:

4th February        World Cancer Day

4 Feb Independence Day(Sri Lanka)

8 February                      Propose Day

13 Feb     Independence Day ( Tibet)

15 Feb          Statehood Day (Serbia)

 21st February              International                                                       Language Day
28th February       National Science                                                            Day(India)

Important Days in March 2018:

8th March                     Internarional                                                       Women’s Day
15th March             World Consumer                                                            Safety Day
 18th March         Ordinance Factory                                                 Day(India)

21 March                       Mothers Day

22nd March            World Water Day
23rd March       World Climates Day
24th March World Tuberculosis Day
27th March        World Theatre Day

Important Days in April 2018:

4th April     International Mines Day

5th April                     National Navy                                                       Day(India)

7th Apr                  World Health Day
22nd Apr                           Earth Day

25 April               World Malaria Day

23rd Apr               World Books Day
26th Apr              World Intellectual                                                         Property Day
29th Apr              World Dance Day

Important Days in May 2018:

1st May                                  May Day
8th May            World Red Cross Day
11th May           National Technology   
12th May           International Nurses                                                           Day
17th May    World Telecom Day(UN)

17 May    Constitution Day (Norway)

24th May           Commonwealth Day
31st May       World No-Tobacco Day

Important Days in June 2018:

5 June         World Environment Day

6 June           National Day (Sweden)

12 June                  World Anti Child                                                           Labour Day

12 June                           Russia Day

14 June  World Blood Donor’s Day

20 June            World Refugee Day

21 June            International Yoga                                                          Day

Important Days in July 2018:

1 July                              Canada Day

2 July                         World UFO Day

9 July                         Independence                                                      Day(Argentina)

11 July                                     World                                             Population Day(UN)

12 July                             Malala Day

21 July        National Day(Belgium)

18 July           Nelson Mandela Day
28 July    World Hepatitis Day(UN)
29 July        Internatiinal Tiger Day
30 July      International Friendship                                                                        Day

Important Days In August 2018:

1 August             Swiss National Day

6th August                  Hiroshima Day

9th August                India Quit Day &                                                      Nagasaki Day

9 August   National Day (Singapore)

12th Aug    International Youth Day
15th Aug              Independence Day                                               (India)

20 August    National Day (Hungary)

29th Aug          National Sports Day                                             (India)

Important Days in September 2018:

5th September Teacher’s Day(India)

7th Sep     Independence Day(Brazil)

8th September          World Literacy                                                     Day

11th September World First Aid Day

14 September                     Hindi Day
21st Sep     International Peace Day
27th September World Tourism Day

Important Days in October 2018:

 1st October          World Day of older                                                Persons

1 October       World Vegetarian Day

2nd October          Gandhi Birth Day
3rd October World Habitat Day(UN)
4th October        World Animal Day
5th October    World Teacher’s Day
8th October      Indian AirForce Day
9th October World Postal Day(UN)
10th Oct  World Mental Health Day
14th Oct        World Standards Day
16th Oct         World Food Day(UN)
24th Oct          United Nations Day
Note: On 24 October, 1945 the United Nations was founded. Thats why ’24 October’ had been being celebrated as UN Day from the year 1948

Important Days in November 2018:

5th November       World Tsunami                                                    Awareness Day

9th November  World Freedom Day

10th November    >     World Science Day for Peace and Development

14th November  >    World Diabetes Day,  Children’s Day (India)

18 Nov      Proclamation Day(Latvia)

18 Nov Independence day(Morocco)

Note: Children’s day in India is celebrated to commemorate Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday

16 November             International                                              Tolerance Day(UN)

17  Nov         National Epilepsi Day,                         International Students Day(UN)
19 Nov       World Men’s Day,World                                                      Toilet Day(UN)

20 November                    Universal                                               Children’s Day(UN)

21 Nov  World Television Day(UN)

Important Days in December 2018: 

1 December    World AidsDay(UN)
2 December  International Day for the abolition of slavery(United Nations)
2 Dec                 National Day (UAE)
3 Dec              World Handicapped                                                                Day(UN)
4 Dec    National Navy Day (India)
5 Dec          World Volunteers Day,                                            World Soil Day(UN)

6 Dec   Independence Day(Finland)

7 Dec   International Civil Aviation Day(ICAO); Armed Forces Flag Day(India)
9 December      International Anti-                                             corruption Day(UN)
10 December           World Human                                                    Rights Day(UN)
11 December             International                                               Mountain Day(UN)
18 December      World  Migrants                                                                 Day(UN)
20 Dec          International Human                                              Solidarity Day(UN)

GK Quiz Questions on

Important National


International Day


Lets some practice of these important days through gk quiz question answers

Q. Why 15 November 2017 is so important?

Ans: Because it is the 151st birth anniversary of India’s first female advocate Cornelia Sorabji. Who was also the first woman to practice law in India and Britain.

Q. Why 14 November 2017 is observed as Children’s Day or Bal Diwas in India?

Ans: This day marks the birth date of First Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who is also known as ‘Chacha Nehru’ to children. This day is observed every year on same day.

Q. Why 30 January is observed as Martyr’s Day in India?

Ans: This day marks the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in 1948 by Nathuram Godse

Q. What day is observed as World Health Day and why?

Ans: Every year 7 April is observed as World Health Day to mark the World Health Organisation’s foundation and global health awarness from 1950

Q. Why 2 October is important?

Ans: Every year 2 October is celebrated in India as Gandhi Jayanti to mark the occasion of the birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who is known as ‘Father of Nation’. It is the national holiday in India

Q. Why 1 December 2017 is important?

Ans: Because it is the observance of World Aids Day declared by World Health Organisation and is observed every year since 1988

Q. What is the importance of 5 September?

Ans: Every year 5 September is observed as Teacher’s Day to mark the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was the First Vice-President and Second President of Republic of India

Q. Why 15 August is important?

Ans: It is the Independence Day in India. This day observed every year because in 1947 India gained freedom from British Rule

Q. Why 12 July is important?

Ans: 12 July is observed as International Malala Day each year because its the birthday of Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai who is a activist for female education and youngest Nobel Peace Laureate awarded in 2014

Q. Why 21 June is important?

Ans: Every year 21 June is celebrated as International Yoga Day to spread awarness of yoga worldwide as it benefits mental and physical strenghth in human body

Q. What day is observed as National Army Day in India?

Ans: 15 January

Q. What day is observed as World Animal Day?

Ans: 4 October

Q. Why 16 November 2017 is important?

Ans: It is celebration day of International Tolerance Day declared by UNESCO and is observed every year since 1995 

Q. What day is observed as World Tsunami Awareness Day?

Ans: 5 November

Q. What day is observed as World Population Day?

Ans: 11 July

Q. What day is observed as World Environment Day?

Ans: 5 June

Q. Why 29 August is important?

Ans: 29 August is celebrated in India as National Sports Day to mark the birthday of well known hockey player Dhyan Chand who is also known as ‘Magician of Hockey’.

Q. What day is observed as International May Day?

Ans: 1 May

Q. What is the most important day observed on 26 January in India?

Ans: Republic Day

Q. What is the international day observed as United Nations Day?

Ans: 24 October

Q. What day is observed on 22 April internationally?

Ans: Earth Day

Q. What day is observed on 8 May?

Ans: World Red Cross Day






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