Mizoram GK Quiz : Top 20 GK Question Answers 2020-2021

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  • Post last modified:12/21/2024
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Students will find most important 20 gk(general knowledge)quiz questions on Mizoram. Including gk question on Mizo history, mizoram polity, mizoram geography, state symbol gk, mizoram economy. Gk on mizoram population, literacy. GK on mizoram culture, arts, literature. 

Besides these, some questions on sports, prizes, and other topics. Gk question on famous mizoram personality. GK in Mizo language General knowledge question on famous places of mizoram. Questions and answers for mizoram competitive exams of year 2020 and upcoming exams of 2021.

This article can be a best practice set for job preparation and interview questions. Its also a model question sets and a suggestion of possible question papers for 2020-2021 exams in Mizoram. Students who are appearing Mizoram Board exams can follow these sets.

Mizoram General Knowledge Quiz 2020-2021

1. Who is the current Chief Minister of Mizoram as of 2020?

Ans: Pu Zoramthanga

2. Which person is the current governor of Mizoram as of 2020?

Ans: P.S Sreedharan Pillai

3. Who became the first Chief Minister of Mizoram?

Ans: Ch. Chhunga

4. Who is the first Governor of Mizoram?

Ans: Hiteswar Saikia

5. Who is the fourth Governor of Mizoram?

Ans: Swaraj Kaushal

6. According to which amendment of Indian Constitution, Mizoram became 23rd state of India?

Ans: 53rd ammendment

7. When Mizoram formed in as an Indian state?

Ans: 1987

8. What is the current population of Mizoram  as of 2020?

Ans: 1097206

9. What does Mizoram rank by area in India?

Ans: 25th

10. What is the actual capital of Mizoram?

Ans: Aizawl

11. What type of Mizoram State Legislature is?

Ans: Unicameral

12. Mizoram contains how many states?

Ans: 8

13. Who is the Speaker of Mizoram Legislative Assembly as of 2020?

Ans: Lalrinriana

14.  Do you know how many seats in Mizoram State Legislative Assembly?

Ans: 40

15. Which political party is currently ruling the Mizo Government as of 2020?

Ans: Mizo National Front

16. Which sector is the base of Mizo economy?

Ans: Agriculture

17. What are the official languages of Mizoram?

Ans: Mizo, English and Hindi

18. What symbolise the state tree of Mizoram?

Ans: Mesua ferrea

19. What symbolise the state animal of Mizoram?

Ans: Serow

20. What is the literacy rate in Mizoram?

Ans: 91.58%


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