RRB Kolkata Recruitment 2018: Apply online for 2367 group d job @rrbkolkata.gov.in

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RRB Kolkata Recruitment 2018 RRB Kolkata application form 2018 RRB Kolkata syllabus 2018 RRB Kolkata admit card 2018 RRB Kolkata group-d job 2018 RRB Kolkata exam date 2018

Indian Ministry of Railways undertaken Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) Kolkata has released a Centralised Employment Notification(CEN) 02/2018 for recruitment of 2367 out of 62907 group-d staffs in 2018. Eligible candidates can submit application form online at rrbkolkata.gov.in before last date which is 31 March 2018. The RRB Kolkata will conduct CBT, PET and DV to select these staffs. Application process, exam date, syllabus, admit card, result details are described below

RRB Kolkata Recruitment 2018

According to Indian Railway Ministry’s centralized employment notification, there are 2367 vacant posts will be filled in various unit in railway department. Kolkata Railway Recruitment Board will fill up these various posts in level 1 of 7th CPC Pay matrix. The Ministry officially published this notice on 10/02/2018 while the last date of application was 12/03/2018. But later the online application form filling last date has been extended to 31/03/2018. It is a massive employment by Indian Railway Department of 2018 and ever and Kolkata RRB is a part of these sixteen boards. The CBT will be conducted tentatively in month of April or May.

RRB Kolkata group-d job Eligibility Criteria

To apply for Kolkata RRB group-d job a candidate must have passed 10th standard and posseses an ITI certificate from NCVT(National Council of Vocational Training)/SCVT(State Council of Vocational Training) approved organisation.

Scale of pay –

Selected candidates for railway group d job will get ₹18000 / month with other applicable allowances. Grade pay is ₹1900

RRB Kolkata group-d post Age Limit

For Unreserved(UR)/general categorised candidates age should be between 18 to 31 years as of 01/07/2018. Upper age limit for Scheduled Caste(SC), scheduled tribe(st), and candidates from other backward class(obc) are 5 yrs, 5yrs and 3 yrs consecutively. Person with disabilities (pwd), ex servicemen and female candidates will get concession of age relaxation as per govt rules.

RRB Kolkata 2018 Application Process

All candidates should apply between 10/02/2018 to 31/03/2018(revised date) at rrbkolkata.gov.in. Application mode is online. Here is the step by step details of application process

How to apply for Kolkata RRB group-d job

  1. At first log in to Kolkata RRB’s official website www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
  2. Click for online registration at ‘Centralised Employment Notice 02/2018’
  3. Now put your mobile number for activation of online registration number
  4. After otp verification put all the details such as name, academic qualification details, date of birth etc.
  5. Finally submit for registration and proceed for application fee payment mode
  6. After payment of fee print out the acknowledgement hard copy for future reference such as checking application status, admit card download etc.
  7. General candidates need to pay ₹500 and sc, st candidates ₹250 for application fee. This ₹250 will be refunded at the time of CBT.

Note: Application fee can be submitted through both online and offline mode

Important Dates:-

  1. Last date of submission of online application – 31/03/2018
  2. Last date of submission of online application through State Bank of India(SBI) bank challan- 38/03/2018 at 15:00 hrs

3. Last date of submission of online application through post office challan – 27/03/2018 at 15:00 hrs

  1. Last date of payment of application fee(online through net banking, debit card or credit card)- 30/03/2018 at 22:00 hrs
  2. Opening date of online registration 10/02/2018
  3. Computer Based Test(CBT) – April, 2018
  4. Physical Efficiency Test(PET) – available soon
  5. Document Verification(DV)- available soon
  6. Downloading of Admit Card – available soon

Kolkata RRB group-d Selection Process

The Kolkata RRB will conduct a 90 marks Computer Based Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Document Verification for selection of 2367 vacant posts.


The Computer Based Test will be of 100 marks in 90 minutes. There will be 100 questions and each question carries one mark. This CBT will be online mode and there is 1/3 rd negative marking for each wrong answer. A candidate should qualify in CBT to appear in Physical Efficiency Test.

RRB Kolkata Group-d Syllabus

There are four subjects in computer based online test- i) Mathematics ii)General Science iii)General Intelligence or Reasoning iv) General Awareness/current affairs


  1. CBT qualified candidates need to appear in Physical Efficiency Test which will be 1000 meter run in 4.15 minutes for male and 1000 meter run test in 5.40 minutes for female.
  2. Qualified male candidates also should be able to lift 35 kg weight and carry a distance of 100 meter in 2 minutes while female candidates shoud cover 100 meter distance in two minutes carrying 20 kg weight.


All candidates who will be qualified in CBT and PET exam, their orginian documents will be verified and finally they will appointed to the rrb kolkata group-d job

RRB Kolkata Admit card 2018

Applied candidates will be provided hall ticket or admit card from railway board’s official site rrbkolkata.gov.in. All candidates need to download their admit card and produce during CBT exam.

RRB Kolkata 2018 exam date

The final exam date is not yet declared but tentative date on May or July.



Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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