Texas Trivia Quiz Questions Answers

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Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America by both area and population. Geographically located in the south central region of the country. Texas is bordered by U.S states of Louisiana to the east, Arkansas to the northeast, Oklahoma to the north, New Mexico to the west and Gulf of Mexico to the southeast. The nickname of Texas is The Lone Star State and motto is friendship.

Texas Quiz Question Answers

  1. What does Texas rank by area in the USA?

A) 1st

B) 2nd

C) 3rd

D) 4th

  1. What are Texas people called by?

A) Texican

B) Texian

C) Texan

Q. What is the upper house of Texas legislature?

A) House of Representatives

B) Senate

  1. What is the highest point in Texas?

A) Guadalupe Peak

B) Bush Mountain

C) Mount Livermore

D) Shumard Peak

  1. What is the most populous city in Texas?

A) San Antonio

B) Houston

C) Austin

D) Greater Houston

Q. There are how many counties in Texas?

A) 264

B) 254

C) 244

D) 274

  1. When Texas became 28th state of America?

A) 1845

B) 1846

C) 1836

D) 1861

Q. How long the Texas revolution lasted?

A) 5 months

B) 6 months

C) 7 months

D) 8 months

Q. Treaties of Velasco was signed in 1836 between which two states?

A) Mexico and Republic of Texas

B) Louisiana and Texas

C) New Mexico and Texas

Q. In which year the Battle of Alamo were took place?

A) 1835

B) 1445

C) 1836

D) 1846

  1. Johnson Space Centre is located in which city in Texas?

A) Houston

B) Brownfield

C) Austin

D) Odessa

Q. What is the smallest county in Texas?

A) Rockwall county

B) Hidalgo county

C) San Patricio county

D) Aransas county

Q. What is the largest county in texas?

A) Harris county

B) Brewster county

C) Aransas county

D) Tarrant county

  1. Why Texas is a “tax donor state”?

A) Because of low tax rates

B) Because of high tax rates

Q. When Kenedy county was formed?

A) 1920

B) 1921


D) 1923

  1. What is the capital of Texas?

A) Newton

B) Houston

C) Austin

D) Marlin

Q. When the Baylor county was formed?

A) 1836

B) 1858

C) 1846

D) 1856

Q. What day is observed as independence day in Texas?

A) 2 March

B) 4 July

C) 4 April

D) 4 May

Q. When the Colorado county was created?

A) 1846

B) 1876

C) 1856

D) 1836

Q. What nation first ruled over to Texas territory?

A) Mexico

B) Spain

C) France

D) America

  1. When the current Texas Constitution was adopted?

A) 1861

B) 1876

C) 1886

D) 1875

  1. What part of Texas is nearest to US-Mexican border?

A) El Paso

B) Laredo

C) McAllen

D) Brownsville

Q. When the Texas State University was founded?

A) 1890

B) 1836

C) 1899

D) 1846

  1. What is the largest river in Texas?

A) Brazos River

B) Colorado River

C) Rio Grande

D) Red River

  1. What is the largest city in Texas?

A) Austin

B) Dallas

C) Houston

D) San Antonio

  1. What is the tallest tower in Texas?

A) Bank of America

B) Williams Tower

C) Wells Fargo Plaza

D) JP Morgan Chase Tower

  1. What symbolise the state bird of Texas?

A) Eagle

B) Northern Mocking bird

C) Great blue heron

D) Horned grebe

  1. How many cities in Texas?

A) 800

B) 1000

C) 900

D) 1200

  1. Louisiana state is located to which direction of Texas?

A) North

B) East

C) South

D) West

  1. Gulf of Mexico is located on which direction of Texas?

A) North

B) South

C) Southeast

D) West

Q. What symbolise the state tree of Texas?

Ans: Pecan

  1. What is the latitude of Texas?

A) 25°50′ N 93°31′ W

B) 19.8968° N 155.5828°W

C) 32.3182° N 86.9023° W

  1. What is the density of population in Texas?

A) 80.5 people per square mile

B) 90.5 people per square mile

C) 85 people per square mile

D) 95 people per square mile

  1. How many Spanish speaking people live in Texas?

A) 27%

B) 21%

C) 29%

D) 28%


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