UN Quiz 2017 | UN facts | UN question answers

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What do you know about United Nations(UN), take our UN quiz challenge 2017 and learn the most about United Nations. The UN quiz 2017 deals about facts and question answers based on United Nations main organs, specialized agencies and its functions, heads, headquarters etc.

UN Quiz 2017

So let’s start the quiz:-

What is the current status of the Secretary General of the UN?

Secretary General : Portugese politician and diplomat Antonio Gutteres is the current and 9th Secretary General of the UN. He assumed office on 1 January 2017 replaced by Ban Ki-Moon. Gutteres served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995-2002. He was also the President of UNHCR from 2005-2015. Secretary General is the Chief Executive Officer, he has two helping body one is Assistant Secretary General and the other is Under Secretary General.

On which day UN’s 8th Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been removed?

The present UN’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been removed on 31 December 2016

When the treaty of United Nations Charter was signed?

Ans: 1945

The UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force) was established by UN General Assembly in 1956, what was the objective behind it?

Answer : To draw a resolution of Suez Crisis

When was the United Nations Organisations formed on?

Formation & History Of The United Nations – United Nations was formed on 24th october, 1945. Every year on 24 October United Nations day is observed. US president Franklin D.Roosvelt first named it as United Nations instead of League of Nations. To be a member a nation or state must follow the United Nation’s charter. Now there are 193 independent countries are member of the United Nations.

How many native languages are officially used by United Nations?

The Official Languages of United Nations : 

There are six official languages of the United Nations, they are – 1> Arabic  2> Chinese 3> English 4> Russian 5> French and 6> Spanish.

Who was the founder of United Nations Organisations?

Answer : It was not possible to officially founding the UN on 24 October 1945, without ratifying the UN Charter by ‘Big-5’- USA, FRANCE, USSR, REPUBLIC OF CHINA and UNITED KINGDOM

What is the status of UN flag?

Flag of United Nations(UN): A white UN emblem (world map surrounded by two olive branches) on a blue background. Proportion : 2:3 Or 3:5

Who is the designer of UN flag?

The emblem designed by Donald McLaughlin.

Where is the United Nation’s headquarter located at?

UN Head Quarter : New York City, New York, USA

Which Chilean educator won Nobel Prize at the time of UN formation in 1945?

Answer : The first Latin-American author Gabriela Mistral(Lucila Godoy Alcayega)won Nobel Prize in literature in 1945

What is the similarity between 18th Academi Awards and UN’s formation?

Answer : Both of two event were happened same year in 1945

Who was awarded Pulitzer Prize for Editorial writing at the time of UN’s formation in 1945?

Answer : George W. Potter of the Providence Journal-Bulletin

Who was the Chancellor of Germany during 1945 UN’s Charter enacting?

Answer : Adolf Hitler

Which German world leader committed suicide at the time of UN’s formation in 1945?

Answer : German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler

Can you remember some world famous German footballers born at the time of UN’s formation in 1945?

Answer : Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Muller

Which Pakistani Nobel Peace Prize winner designated by ‘United Nations Messenger of Peace 2017?

Answer : Malala Yousafzai

Who is the first United Nations Messenger of Peace?

Answer : Michael Douglas

When United Nations gave membership to Japan?

Answer : In 1956

When United Nations gave membership to Germany?

Answer : 18 September 1973

When UN gave membership to Switzerland?

Answer : In 2002

What is the chief purpose of UN’s principal organ Security Council?

Answer : Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Who is the current representative of USA to the United Nations as of 2017?

Answer : US Ambassador Nikki Haley is the current representative to the UN

What is the one & only Asian country to the United Nations Security Council’s permanent member?

Answer : China

What is UN Russian language programme?

Answer : The main objective of UN Russian language programme is to educate people to read,write and fluently speak in Russian language

What is the election criteria for non permanent member of the UN Security Council?

Answer : Non permanent members are elected on a geographical region basis to serve a two-year terms.

Who is the inaugural President of the UN Security Council?

Answer : Norman Makin

What is the term length of the UN Security Council President?

Answer : One month

Who is the current permanent representative of China to the UN as of 2017?

Answer : Liu Jieyi

Who is the current permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN?

Answer : Volodymyr Yelchenko, he also served as 6th Ambassador of Ukraine to Russia. Volodymyr was preceded by Yuriy Sergeyev

Who is the permanent British representative to the UN?

Answer : Matthew Rycroft

Who is the current permanent representative of NewZealand to the UN?

Answer : Gerard van Bohemen

Who is the current permanent representative of Luxembourg to the UN?

Answer : Christian Braun

Who is the current permanent representative of Sweden to the UN?

Answer : Olof Skoog, he also served as President of the UN Security Council on January 2017

What is the principal objectives of the UNESCO?

Answer : Maintenance and protection of the World Heritage Sites

When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN?

Answer : 10 December, 1948

What is the financial source of the UN?

Answer : UN is financed by the voluntary contribution from its member states

Which UN organ works on human rights?

Answer : United Nations Commission on Human Rights(UNCHR)

What UN agency works on protect and support the refugees?

Answer : United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR)

Who is the Italian actress and 1962 Oscar winner served as UN Goodwill Ambassador?

Answer : Sophia Loren

Who is the world famous Hollywood actress employed as special envoy of High Commissioner Filipo Grandi?

Answer : Angelina Jolie

Who heads the United Nations University?

Answer : Under-Secretary-General of the UN

UN Day/Years Quiz Questions

United Nations declared 2017 as the year of –

Answer : UN declared 2017- as International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

What is the significance of the International Women’s Day?

Answer : The name International Women’s Year was given to 1975 by United Nations. Since that year March 8 has been celebrated as International Women’s Day.

What is the similarity between UN day and World Development Information Day?

Answer : The two days observed globally in a same day on 24 October. Un day was started observing from 1945, but World Development Information Day started in 1972.

What was the theme of 2016’s UN day?

Answer : Freedom first

United Nations announced 2016 as the year of –

Answer : 2016- International Year of Pulses

United Nations declared 2015 as the year of –

Answer : International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies, International Year of Solis

United Nations declared 2019 to be the year of –

Answer : International Year of Indigenous Languages

UN Organisation’s Specialised Agency’s Heads, Headquarters Quiz Questions 2017

Who is the current head of  the UN specialised agency WIPO?

Answer : Australian Francis Gurry is the 4th Director General of the WIPO

Who is the current head of the UN specialised agency WHO?

Answer : HongKong, Chinese and Canadian physician Margaret Chan is the current and 4th Director General of WHO

Who is the current president of the General Assembly of the United Nations?

Answer : Peter Thomson who is a Fijian diplomat and currently serves as the president of UN General Assembly. He assumed office on 13 September 2016 in place of previous president Mogens Lykketoft. Peter elected President of the Executive Board of the UNDP

Who is the current head of the UN specialised agency WFP?

Answer : American Ertharin Cousin is the current head of the World Food Programme(WFP). In 2014 Cousin was ranked number 45th on Forbes Magazine’s List of World’s 100 Most Powerful Women.

Where is the headquarter of ILO located at?

International Labour Organisation (ILO ) : Founded in 1919 and in the year of 1946 ILO was registered as a special organisation of United Nations. It has a governing body which has 10 permanent members they are … Brazil, China, Germany, France, India, Japan, Italy, Russis, United Kingdom and USA. ILO has a total of 187 member states.

HEADQUARTER :Geneva, Switzerland

Who is the current head of UN specialised agency UPU?

Answer : Bishar Abdirahman Hussein is the current head of the Universal Postal Union(UPU).

Who is the current head of the UN specialised agency UNWTO?

Answer : Jordanian Taleb Rifai is the current head of United Nation World Tourism Organization(UNWTO).

Who is the current head of the UN special organisation ITU?

Abswer : Houlin Zhao is the current head of the International Telecommunication Union(ITU)

IMF is currently headed by which international famous figure?

Answer : Former French Finance and Agricultural Minister Christine Legarde is the current Director of International Monetary Fund(IMF).

ICAO is currently headed by which famous figure?

Answer : Fang Liu

Where is the headquarter of UNHCR located at?

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) :

In the year 1951 UNHCR was formed by the General Assembly of United Nations. Its main purpose is to relief refugees around the world.

Headquarter :Geneva, Switzerland

Who is the current and 10th head of the UNESCO?

Bulgarian politician Irina Bokova is the 10th Director General of the UNESCO. Irina Bokova served as Bulgaria’s ambassador to France and Monaco.

Who is the current head of the Food and Agricultural Organisation(FAO)?

Answer : Jose Geaziano da Silva

Who is the present head of the IAEA?

Answer : Yukiya Amano is the current head of the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA).

Who is the current head of the IMO?

Answer : Kozi Sekimizu is the current head of the International Maritime Organization(IMO).

Where is the headquarter of IMO located at?

International Maritime Organisation ( IMO ) : In the year of 1948 it was established as a special organisation.

HEADQUARTER : London, United Kingdom

Where is the headquarter of IMF located at?

International Monetary Fund (IMF): In the year of 1945 IMF established as independent organisation. In 1947 IMF came under United Nations.


Where is the headquarter of ITU located at?

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) : It was established in the year of 1932 at Madrid convention.

HEADQUARTER :Geneva, Switzerland

Who is the current and 10th head of International Labour Organization(ILO)?

Answer : British Guy Ryder is the current and 10th Director-General of the ILO. He assumed office in 2012

Where is the headquarter of UNESCO located at?

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) :

Formation Of The UNESCO – The UNESCO was established on 4th Nov, 1946. This organisation works on education, culture, science and communications.

HEADQUARTER :Paris, France

International Bureau of Education (IBE) :

It is the sister organisation of UNESCO.

Where is the headquarter of UNIDO located at?

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) : This organisation was came under United Nations in the year of 1966.

HEADQUARTER :Vienna, Austria

Where is the headquarter of UPU located at?

Universal Postal Union (UPU) : It was established in the year 1874. It is a special agency of United Nations which coordinates postal policies among member nations.

HEADQUARTER : Bern, Switzerland

Which European country has the headquarter of WHO?

Formation Of WHO –

World Health Organisation (WHO) : The world health organisation came into work in the year 1948. It decides health related directives and supervises health programmes around the world.

HEADQUARTER :Geneva, Switzerland

Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) :

Mainly this organisation works between two american countries.

Which European country has the headquarter of WIPO?

World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) : 

This organisation came into work in 1970 and regeistered as a special organisation of United Nations in 1974.

HEADQUARTER :Geneva, Switzerland

Where is the headquarter of WMO located at and when it was formed?

World Meteorological Organisarion (WMO) :

WMO became registered as a special organisation of United Nations in the year of 1951.

HEADQUARTER :Geneva, Switzerland

Where is the headquarter of IAEA located at?

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) :

IAEA is a special body of the United Nations, it was established on 29th July, 1957. It has 150 of member nations.

HEADQUARTER :Vienna, Austria

Which European member country has the headquarter of FAO?

Food and Agricultural Organisation ( FAO ) :

It was established in the year of 1945 at the Quebec city. This body supervises for food projects worldwide.

Headquarter : Rome, Italy

What is the structure and objective of the World Bank?

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD ) Or World Bank :

This organisation came into existence on 1946. World bank helps undeveloped countries to become economically developed and gives technical help. World Bank has 4 sister organisations, they are 1> International Development Association (IDA)…2> International Finance Corporation ( IFC )…3> Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA )…4> International Centre for Settlment of Investment Disputes ( ICSID )…

Headquarter :Washington D.C. USA

What is the full form of UNDP and where its headquarter located at?

Answer:- United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) :

UNDP is the special agency of the United Nations. This agency works for social and economic development.

Headquarter : New York, USA

Where is the headquarter of UNICEF located at?

United Nations Childrens Emergency Fund ( UNICEF ) :

UNICEF was established in the year 1946. This organisation works for children and women as an emergency relief fund.

Headquarter :New York, USA

What is the status & objective  of the UNFPA ?

United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) :

The UNFPA was established in the year 1969. Formerly it was known as United Nations Funds for Population Activities. It helps pregnant women’s health security and population related matter of the developing nations.

Headquarter : New York, USA

Where is the headquarter of UNEP located at?

United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ): This was established in the year 1972. It helps to make any project related to environment.

Headquarter :Nairobi, Kenya

What are the objectives of the current non-member observer states of the UN?

Holy See in Rome: Granted permanent observer state status on 6 April 1964, and on July 1 2004 gained all the rights of full membership except voting rights, putting forward candidates and submission of resolution proposals without co-sponsoring. The official language of Holy See is Latin and it is under jurisdiction of Vatican City.

State of Palestine: On 29 November 2012 gained non-member observer state status. On 7 July 1998 gained right to participate in general debate and aditional rights.

Who is the current and 5th Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations as of 2017?

Answer : Amina J. Muhammed is the current and 5th Deputy Secretary General preceded by Jan Eliasson. She joined office on 1 January 2017. Nigeria born Amina served as former Minister of Environment.

When did United Nations charter take effect on?

Answer : The United Nations charter took effect on 24 October, 1945

In which year United Nations Organization as a whole won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Answer : In 2001

With how many members United Nations started journey in 1945 ?

Answer : 51 members

The historical term ‘United Nations’ was first coined by which international figure?

Answer : US President Franklin Roosevelt

Which four countries first signed the United Nations Declaration?

Answer : The four countries are United States of America(USA), United Kingdom(UK), Soviet Union(USSR is now Russia) and China

Who was elected as the first United Nations Secretary General?

Answer : Norwegian Foreign Minister Trygvi Lie was elected as the first UN Secretary General

How long Kofi Annan served as the 7th Secretary General of the UN?

Answer : He was Secretary General from year 1997 to 2006

How long Boutros Boutros-Ghali served as the 6th Secretary General of the United Nations?

Answer : Egyptian Diplomat and politician Boutros Boutros-Ghali served as UN Secretary General from 1992 to 1996

What was the objective behind the creation of United Nations Charter?

Answer : The primary objective of UN Charter was to prevent aggression by one nation against another

Which country is the highest contributor to the United Nations Budget 2016?

Answer : United States of America contributed 22% of total budget of the United Nations Budget 2016

Who is the current permanent representative of India to the United Nations?

Answer : Syed Akbaruddin, he was appointed on January 2016, as the permanent representative of India to the United Nations.

Who was the first representative or ambassador of India to the United Nations?

Answer : Samarendranath Sen

When the UNMOGIP(United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan) was established to observe and report violations of ceasefire?

Answer : In 1951

In which year the UN-sponsored Kyoto Protocol was signed?

Answer : 1997

Dag Hammarskjold was the 2nd UN Secretary General from which country?

Answer : Dag Hammarskjold was the 2nd UN SG from Sweden. He served as SG from 1953-1961, passed away during his serving period.

Who was the 3rd UN Secretary General served between 1961-1971?

Answer : Burmese Diplomat U Thant was the 3rd UN Secretary General. He died in 1974 in USA, suffered from lung cancer.

Who was the 5th UN Secretary General?

Answer : Peruvian Diplomat Javier Perez de Cuellar was the 5th UN Secretary General within period 1982-1991. He served as Peru’s Ambassador to France. Perez was also the Foreign Affairs Minister in Peru.

Who was the 4th UN Secretary General?

Answer : Austrian Diplomat Kurt Waldheim was the 4th UN Secretary General within period 1972-1981. He was also the 9th President of Austria

Which country joined as the UN’s 193rd member in 2011?

Answer : South Sudan

In which year UN’s Trusteeship Council was formed on?

Answer : 1945

What is the current status of the Trusteeship Council as of 2016/2017?

Answer : It is inactive since 1994

In 1965 which UN organization was awarded Nobel Prize?

Answer : UNICEF was awarded Nobel Prize for peace

What is the name of the UN organization won Nobel Peace Prize in 2005?

Answer : IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency) was awarded Nobel Prize jointly with Egyptian diplomat Muhamed Mustafa ElBaradei

What is the name of UN organisation won Nobel Prize in 1969?

Answer : International Labour Organisation won Nobel Peace Prize in 1969





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