WBCHSE HS result 2018: Check WB 12th Result at wbresults.nic.in

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  • Post last modified:12/21/2024
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Just after two months later the higher secondary exam 2018 result is going to be officially declared tomorrow by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education(WBCHSE). It is the only West Bengal board that organises higher secondary(12th class) which is the second biggest exam after WBBSE led Madhyamik Pariksha. Each year Higher Secondary result is published in month of May-June after completing exam between February to March in all over West Bengal. This year near about eight lacs of wbchse authorised school students, who appeared in 2018 HS exam between 15-29 March, are eagerly waiting for their desired results. This result is the gateway of building career of those students who sat in this exam in various streams like arts, science and commerce. West Bengal government official website wbresults.nic.in confirmed its release date to check 2017 hs result on 30 May. Though it is little late than previous year released on 16 May 2016. 


Updates at 11:00 AM, 8 June 2018: HS result has been published check result here

Updates at 9 AM, 8 June 2018: HS result is going to be published within one and half hour. Stay with us for latest updates

2018 WBCHSE Result:

The news has been announced by wbchse that the 2018 higher secondary alternatively uchha madhyamik result will be published on 8 June. The result is going to publish three days later of Madhyamik 2018 result announced on 27 May. CBSE board 2018 result also published in the meantime of HS result. Like past few consecutive years West Bengal Higher Secondary Education board again publishes HS result on this month of  June 2018. Along with merit list the board also focuses a toppers list all over the state. The HS result scorecard is based on grade system which ranging among A,B,C,D and these indicates student’s ranking from best to worst. In all the 21 districts of West Bengal over 4300 hs or 12th medium school students can check, download and print their 2018 result, namewise and schoolwise on the official site at www.wbresults.nic.in. Besides there have some other ways to verify the hs result. HS candidates can search for results through sms, mobile app and some other third party websites.

West Bengal 12th class Result 2018:

12th students, which is the other form of hs are advised to check and collect their marksheet from respective schools, from 10:30 AM tomorrow after publishing the result. The 2018 HS result fixes the future of a student by qualifying or disqualifying based on minimum passout marks. WBCHSE has arranged various distribution camps for providing hs result marksheet and certificates in all the districts of West Bengal. Students can verify hs marksheet by following wbchse instructed rules.

How to check 2018 HS Result:

Here jobprostuti.com showing students the ways to check out the HS results online or offline –


We are providing some websites from where students can easily check their result 2017 according to merit list.

1. wbresults.nic.in

2. www.exametc.com

3. www.indiaresults.com

4. www.knowyourresult.com

5. www.jagranjosh.com

6. www.resultout.com

7. www.schools9.com

8. www.ExamResults.net/wb

Put your important credentials like roll number, date of birth and submit to show the result


Students can also check result through short message service. You have to just write

WB12 space<roll no> send to 54242 

WB12 space<roll no> send to 58888 

WB12 space<roll no> send to 56263 

Important information about HS Result 2018:

Name of organisation : WBCHSE

HS exam held : 15 to 29 March

Estimated Candidates : 8 lacs

Exam subjects : Arts, Science and Commerce

Result Out Time : 8 June, Friday 10:30 A.M

Estimated schools : More or less 4300

Marksheet collection time : From 10:30 A.M

Official website : www.wbresults.nic.in

Marks distribution with Grades

Between 80-100 = A+ Excellent

Between 60-79   = A+ Very Good

Between 45-59   = B Good

Between 30-44   = C Satisfactory

Under     90         = D Disqualified

Check HS Result 2018 Directly Clicking Here


The Government of West Bengal formed West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education under act 1975. This body mainly conducts 10+2 education system. 

The council has a President with some other members of various departments of the state government. It helps developing higher secondary education by providing educational and technical needs by co-operating with recognised institutions. Giving certificates to students for higher level studies.

WBCHSE operates from its head office at Salt Lake, Bidhannagar, Korunamoyee, Kolkata along with four regional offices which located in North Bengal, Bardhaman, Medinipur and Kolkata.

Kolkata regional office address: Vidyasagar Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091 Ph- 033- 2337 4984 to 87, 033- 2337- 9661                 Toll free – 1800-1039-341                    

e-mail- wbchse@gmail.com




Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Pankaj Bagui

    Please inform me the result of HS OF the mentioned roll no 4103111009

    1. Admin

      You have been passed out with total number of 356 Grade A. Congratulations. Keep visiting our site

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