WBSSC Recruitment 2016-2017 – Notice, Application Form Admit Card, Exam Date, Result 14088 Assistant Teacher Posts

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Online Application For Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2016-17 Upper Primary Level is going on. Apply for latest govt jobs in west bengal under west bengal ssc download admit card vacancy for upper primary teacher application form latest job openings at kolkata for new job alert subscribe to our email WBSSC commission published a notice today. Application form, notification, exam date, result, reprint of application all available on commission’s official website. Passed candidates have to apply online for personality test. Candidates of physical education and work education can’t apply now. This is the first state level selection, assistant teachers will be recruited to west bengal government sponsored schools.

How To Apply Online For 14088 Assistant Teacher Personality Test

West Bengal SSC board is going to recruit assistant teacher at upper primary lavel to fill up the vacancy of 14088 posts. Candidates who are searching for teacher job in west bengal can apply now online through the wbssc official website.

First of all go to this link of WBSSC official website then go for the personality test link. After that click on Upper Primary PT link and provide your details.

For your assistance here is given the  link to Apply Online For Personality Test of Assistant Teacher Upper Primary Level Recruitment 2016-17

Always check for the proper information on upper primary teacher recruitment and vacancy or online application at wbssc official website WWW.WESTBENGALSSC.COM

Tentative Vacancy: There are almost 14088 vacancies available, for recruitment of assistant teachers for upper primary level except work education and physical education.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education Board conducted Teachers Eligibility Test(TET) 2015 Result published on 14/09/2016. 

The TET exam held on previous year 11october,2015 for the candidates of 2014, a few lakhs candidates sat on wb tet exam. 

The West Bengal Primary Education Board conducted the exam for recruitement of primary teachers of all vacant primary schools in west bengal. 

West Bengal Board Primary Tet Result 2016

Marks: 150

Qualifying Marks:  60% (120 Out of 150)

There are relaxation of marks for some category based candidates as follows –

Relaxation of Marks:

SC– 5%

ST– 5%

OBC(A)– 5%

OBC(B)– 5%

PH(physically handicapped)– 5%



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How to check the wbbpe board primary result 2016

Go to west bengal primary board’s official website


Put your 9 Digit form number or roll number and click on submit button

You may also visit this direct link 

Wb Primary Tet Result 2016

For any tet result related query candidates should contact primary board office address. Jobprostuti is one of the most favourite bengali site where people can find tet related queries according to their needs.

Note: All canditates are requested to verify his/her result of board’s official website.

WBCSSC Upper Primary Level TET Result of 2015

WBCSSC conducted upper primary tet result announced on sep 14, 2016. The upper primary tet exam held on august 16, 2015. The WBCSSC board conducted this exam for recruitement of primary teachers from class V to VIII for vacant posts in all west bengal schools.

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Total Marks150

Exam Timings12:30 To 2:00 Pm(90 Minutes)

Qualifying Marks60%

Relaxation of Marks:

SC– 5%

ST– 5%

OBC(A)– 5%

OBC(B)– 5%

PH(physically handicapped)– 5%



In respect of honourable high court order govt has declared the result before puja vacation. A viral news spread over west bengal that during the examination the question papers were exposed publicly thereafter board postponed the exam and reorganised it. The marksheet of result is available now on west bengal school service commission’s official website from 14/09/2016 onwards.

How to check west bengal Upper Primary TET Result 2016

Well after the completion of written test the candidates are eagerly waiting, so for the result go to wb school service commission’s official website and put your details like roll no, date of birth etc and click submit. You can also print out the tet marksheet available here. 

Candidates who want to know his/her scorecard visit —


Or you may go to direct link HERE

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