West Bengal Recruitment 2017-2018:Apply for 118 GPK in Nadia @nadia.gov.in

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West Bengal government is going to recruit 118 Gram Panchayat Karmee(GPK)in Nadia district for the year 2017-2018. The recruitment notification for online application has been released officially by the District Magistrate of Nadia, District Level Selection Committee on 12/12/2017. This is a current ongoing and temporary basis job in 2017-18 and candidates will be chosen by an open competitive examination. Indian citizen having minimum eligibility can apply for this job online before 5 January 2018 at official website www.nadia.gov.in

After covering a big group-d exam on 20 May 2017 by west bengal group-d recruitment board and panchayat sahayak recruitment by Nadia zilla parishad, wb govt is going to conduct another group-d exam(gpk) by District Level Selection Committee(DLSC), Nadia. Candidates who are seeking government job in west bengal can apply for the 118 vacant gpk posts. As candidates need to go through some process conducted by DLSC to get the this job.

Nadia Gram Panchayat Karmee Notification 2017-2018

After publishing a notification on 18 December, the District Magistrate or collectorate office released the corrected and final notification on 21/12/2017 regarding gram panchayat karmee recruitment at Panchayat level. DLSC, Nadia is the authorized body of the state government of west bengal, and will appoint staffs at panchayat level within district as per West Bengal Panchayat(Recruitment of Employees of Gram Panchayat) rules 2007 guidelines.

According to notification number 1643/P&RD/DLSC, NADIA/2017, the tentative vacancy is 118 and will be filled up through a fifty marks exams include written exam and viva-voce test. There is an attractive salary for this post and other details such as mode of application, admit card, exam date, syllabus, cut off marks, result are described below. To apply for the gpk post a candidate(male/female) need to go through an online application process on DLSC’s official website www.nadia.gov.in. Reservations and age relaxations are admissible to sc,st,obc,pwd, ex serviceman candidates.

Download Pdf Notification

Eligibility criteria details

Any citizen of India having passed out minimum VIII standard from a govt recognized institution is eligible to apply for gpk post. It means any person of an Indian state can apply for an unreserved category, no age relaxations or vacancy reservations will be admissible except west bengal candidates. If any sc, st, obc, ex serviceman or person with disabilities(pwd) categorized candidate except west bengal apply for this post, his/her candidature will be treated as general category.

Female candidate along with male can apply but the age must be between 18 to 40 as of 1 January 2017. During online application if any applicant found with age criteria not fulfilled on this date, his/her candidature will be dismissed. Only properly filled application including eighth passed certificate and other credentials will be received and called for written exam. All original documents or certificates in support of as sc, st, obc, pwd, ex-serviceman category need to produce during written test, personality test and final selection.

As per govt rules scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and pwd candidates are relaxed for five years of age. Whether OBC-A(Other Backward Class), OBC-B candidates are relaxed for three years of age. Ex-serviceman will get ten years and pwd candidates having 40% and above disabilities get five years of age relaxation. There is no age relaxation for general category candidate. A handicapped person below 40% disabilities will be treated as general category.

A medical board, constituted under Medical College Hospitals, District Hospital, Sub-divisional hospital, will consider the physically handicapped persons as per West Bengal Persons with Disabilities Rules 1999.

For exempted category candidates, names should be obtained by DLSC under Directorate of Employment, West Bengal.

Candidates having higher academic qualification such as secondary passed, higher secondary passed or graduates can also apply for gpk post.

Quick Summary about Age Criteria

Category Age
SC 18-45 yrs
ST 18-45 yrs
OBC-A 18-43 yrs
OBC-B 18-43 yrs
Ex Serviceman 18-50 yrs
Person With Disabilities 18-45 yrs

Vacancy details

There are total 118 vacant posts are available for recruitment of gpk staffs in Nadia district , out of which 33 are reserved for general category and the rest 85 for sc, st, obc, ex-s, sportsperson and others. This is a tentative vacancy list, DLSC can increase or decrease the vacancy anytime. Let’s check the below table for categorywise vacancy details

Category Vacant posts Total
UR         33
UR(EC)         19
UR(MS)          2
UR(PD)          4
UR(Ex-s)          6
SC        18
SC(EC)          8
SC(Ex-s)          1
ST          5
ST(EC)          2
OBC-A          8
OBC-A(EC)          4
OBC-B          6
OBC-B(EC)          2  118


How to apply

This is a completely an online application mode no one need to pay any fees during submitting application. The period of submitting online application is and on from 21/12/2017 to 05/01/2017, 5 pm. To apply online follow these steps:

  1. Go to official site at www.nadia.gov.in
  2. Put the details such as name, father’s name, date of birth, gender, caste, mobile number, permanent address etc
  3. Now upload your scanned photo sized not more than 500kb
  4. Upload scanned signature sized nog more than 500kb
  5. Now solve an equation and tick the button
  6. Now save and pring your application form for future reference as admit card

Note : One applicant can apply only for one post. Multiple application for same post will be rejected



Pay Scale

A lucrative pay scale is provided for the gpk personnel. As per state government rule a gram panchayat karmee will get monthly Rs 4600-16200 plus grade pay Rs 1700 and other allowances admissible as government’s order.

Selection process

The District Level Selection Committee, Nadia will conduct a primary selection before the final selection. At first the dlsc will verify and shortlist the applied candidates. Thereafter a written test and viva test will be conducted where candidates should acquire a qualifying number to be passed out. Based on merit list the final selection will be conducted. Finally candidates will be called for original documents verifying process to be appointed.

Mode of Exam

There are two part of exams fixed by the DLSC, one is written exam and the other is viva-voce(viva test). The written test contains fourty three marks where the viva-voce test contain seven marks. The cut-off marks will be decided by the dlsc authorized body.


The syllabus for gpk written exam 2018 is of four subjects – English 10 marks, Bengali 13 marks, Arithmetic 10 marks, General Knowledge(gk) 10 marks. All the questions carrying one mark each that is total 43 marks for 43 questions. The questions type will be multiple choice objective and there is a negative marking for each question. All these subject wise questions will be of VIII grade level.

Exam Date

The gpk exam date has not yet been declared by the DLSC, but the tentative date is expected three month after the primary selection of applied candidates. 

Admit card/Hall ticket

Admit card will be issued one month before the gpk exam by DLSC. All the applied candidates can download their admit card from dlsc’s official site www.nadia.gov.in by submitting their application id or number. To enter the exam hall or during examination a candidate need to produce hall ticket along with his/her epic card(voter card), driving license, pan card, seconadry admit card with photo, aadhar card or passport as photo identification to the invigilator. No electronic gadgets such as mobile, calculator, smartwatch, will be allowed in the exam hall otherwise he/she will be punished by cancelling  exam omr sheet.

To avoid such these incidents take some precautions and be well prepared yourself by practicing the subjects as on syllabus provided by the DLSC.


The GPK exam 2018 result is coming soon –


Abbreviation Note : UR = Unreserved, EC= Excempted Category, MS= Meritorious Sportsperson, PD= Physically Disabled, Ex-s= Ex Serviceman, SC= Schedulde caste, ST= Scheduled tribe, OBC= Other Backward Class

For any query online form fill up contact


Last Date for gpk Online Application =

{05/01/2018 ( 5 January 2018, 5 PM)}




Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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