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West Bengal primary Teachers Eligibility Test(TET) recruitment notification 2017-2018 has been released by WBBPE. A lots of vacancies to be filled up in various primary schools all over the state. Candidates, who are seeking latest government jobs, can apply for tet by downloading application form or register online through www.wbbpeonline.in or www.wbsed.gov.in. before the last date of 29 October 2017. Tet syllabus download, tet application form filling details, tet eligibility criteria, tet exam date, admit card and everything about wb tet 2017-2018 have been discussed below

WB TET 2017-2018

As per notification number 2552/BP/2017, West Bengal Board of Primary Education(WBBPE) is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of more or less 30000 vacant primary teacher posts in all the West Bengal govt affiliated primary and basic primary schools to conduct Teachers Eligibility Test(TET) 2017-2018. To apply a candidate needs minimum qualification and fees to seat on TET 2017 exam conducted by wbbpe.

WBBPE notified that syllabus of tet 2017 contains five subjects of total 150 marks. As per this notification the Tet exam will be held after completing the online application process and the exact exam date may be held before 2018 wb panchayet election according to a news source.

The WBBPE will select candidates based on tet marks. So candidates take a solid educational preparation before appearing tet exam 2017-2018.

WB TET 2017-2018


This is to inform to all jobprostuti viewers that West Bengal Board of Primay Education has modified the earlier notification of  12/05/2017 by Department of School Education order no 343-SE/EE/10M-6/2009(Pt-1)(TET). The 9/10/2017 notification published by wbbpe has some changes in eligibility criteria. Where some educational qualification has been added or deducted. Candidates can view the official notification by downloading pdf file here

Download TET 2017 Notification

How to apply for WB 

TET 2017-2018


Who can apply for tet 2017

A candidate must have following eligibility to apply for teachers eligibility test


1. Higher Secondary passed(10+2 or equivalent)in any stream(arts, science, commerce)with minimum 50% number(for sc,obc,retired defence person, person with disability and exempted category 45%) and a  2 year diploma in elementary education(D.L.Ed)

2. Higher Secondary passed(10+2 or equivalent)in any stream(arts,science,commerce) with minimum 50% number (for sc,obc,retired defence person, person with disability and exempted category 45%) and a 4 year bachelor in elementary education(B.L.Ed)

3. Higher Secondary passed(10+2 or equivalent) in any stream(arts,science,commerce) with minimum 50% number (for sc,obc,retired defence person, person with disability and exempted category 45%) and a Diploma in Special Education from Rehabilitation Council of India(RCI)

4. Arts, Science, Commerce graduates having a 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education(D.L.Ed)

For all above educational qualifications candidates must have completed degree and diploma course before 9/10/2017. D.L.Ed course should be passed from National Council for Teacher Education(N.C.T.E)


All candidates should be aged between 18 to 40 as on 9/10/2017 the starting of tet application. Scheduled caste(SC) candidates will get 5 years and other backward class(OBC)) candidates will get 3 years of age relaxation and person with disability will get as per rules applied.

These above details are sufficient for a candidate to apply for tet 2017-2018

How to apply WB

Teachers Eligibility

Test 2017-2018

Online- Form Filling


Any candidates can fill up wb tet 2017-2018 online application form by following our easiest step by step a to z details given here. For those candidates, who have no idea about online transaction process, can easily do by following our guide. We have provided here complete details. Before proceeding for registration process on board’s official website candidates are advised to keep original documents.

Tet 2017 online application process started on 10/10/2017 and will be closed on 29/10/2017. Interested candidates need to apply within this period. Candidates should log in to www.wbsed.gov.in and www.wbbpe.org to apply. A non-refundable fee of Rs 100 to be paid online(Rs 25 for SC and disabled person).

What documents to be submitted during application process

Some key documents are common for all check out

a) A valid email id

b) A valid mobile number for otp

c) A passport sized color & scanned photo in jpg or jpeg format (between 20 to 50 kb)

d) A scanned signature in jpg or jpeg format(between 10 to 20 kb)

e) Madhyamik/Secondary admit card, original marksheets and certificates of all academic qualifications, original marksheet & certificate of teacher training course

f) Identity proof such as voter card/aadhar card/passport/pan card/driving license etc

g) Credit card/debit card/net banking credentials for fee payment

Step 1 – Go to www.wbbpeonline.in. New candidates choose New to Registration and register yourself. Old candidates choose Registered User

Step 2 – To get system generated user id and password put your primary details such as email id, mobile number, caste, category etc and verify with one time password(otp). 

Step 3 – Now log in to the website and fill up registration details, personal details, communication details, academic details, examination appearance, and upload photo & signature.

Step 4 – After providing all the data click on Save and Preview to edit if there any wrong data given by pressing Back & Edit Details option.

Step 5 – You can download the application form

Step 6 – At the end proceed to payment option and pay the fees by net banking or upi or pay money. After successful payment Print Application Form and keep it with you as it will be your admit card or hall ticket for tet exam 2017-2018.

Precautions During Online Registration

i) Check whether your internet connection is fast

ii) Use a safe and secure browser like google chrome etc

iii) Take some time during payment 

iv) If anyone forget or want to change password just click on Forgot Password and put user id, mobile number, application number etc to get a password change link on registered email id.

Apply Here

Online Application Link

Note – All candidates are requested to visit the official site of wbbpe for online registration


Download WB TET 

Exam Syllabus 2017-


There are total five subjects contain in tet syllabus defined by wbbpe. Each subject contain 30 marks.

Subjects – 

1. Child Development and Pedagogy- (30 marks)

2. First Language (Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Odia, Candidates should choose own’s local languages applying for that school) – (30 marks) 

3. Second Language(English) – (30 marks)

4. Mathematics – (30 marks)

5. Environmental Science – (30 marks)

So tet 2017-2018 exam will be of 150 questions carrying one mark each. There is no negative marking means no marks will be deducted for any wrong answer. Candidates should answer all the questions within specified duration of time. Candidates will have to collect and show their hall ticket before enter the tet event 2017-2018

WB TET 2017 selection process will be in two part (I) Written Test (II) Interview

WB TET 2017-2018


As per the trusted news source there are 30000 vacant posts for primary teachers are available for appointment in all the district schools all over West Bengal. So here is a big opportunity for the aspirants who are searching for a teaching job in west bengal.

Important Links of

WB TET 2017-2018


Important Dates of



Notification Release Date – 09/10/2017

Online Registration Starting Date – 10/102017

Registration Closing Date – 29/10/2017

Expected Exam Date – April or May 2017

Result Date – coming soon


Contact WBBPE

DK 7/2, Sector II, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700091

Take tet 2017 preparation with jobprostuti.com’s study material and get succeed.


Comment below for any type of help needed



Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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