Why govt banned Tiktok with 59 chinese apps|each revealed

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  • Post last modified:12/21/2024
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In the mean time of high tension between India and China at Ladakh border, the Govt of India banned 59 chinese apps including tiktok, uc broswer, bigo live.The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technogy(meity) has decided to stop these apps immediately according to section 69A information technogy act 2000. This step taken because its against nation’s integrity and sovereignty. An official said, several serious complaints have been reported to the department. After investigating with the help of IT cell,govt realized that these apps were stealing information and stored in server outside the country illegally which is a serious issue. Here is the full list of banned apps alphabetically

  1. 1 APUS Browser(Details- founded 2014 by Tao Li a developer of Chinese Technology Company)
  2. Baidu map(Details- Baidu Technology Pvt Ltd, china)
  3. Baidu Translate
  4. Beauty Plus
  5. Bigo Live (Founded in 2014 by David Li and Jason Hu, in 2019 acquired by chinese company JOYY)
  6. Cache Cleaner DU App studio
  7. Cam Scanner ( Details – Instig Information Co Ltd, its a Chinese company but address registered in Maltipas Ca, 95035, USA. Playstore report flag as inappropriate, mail- android_support@instig.com. A license key purchased by a user clearly shows in chinese translated its Shanghai Hehe Information Technology Ltd Company. Unfortunately you cant find any information in wikipedia about it )
  8. Clash of Kings( Developed by Elex Tech)
  9. Clean master (Developer cheetah mobile,Parent Kingsoft, Headquarter – Beijing, china. Now its offering apk file in their official website www.cmcm.com dont check it)
  10. Clean Master — Cheetah Mobile
  11. Club Factory
  12. CM Broswer (cheetah mobile)
  13. DU battery saver
  14. DU Browser
  15. DU Cleaner
  16. DU Privacy
  17. DU Recorder
  18. ES File Explorer
  19. Hago Play With New Friends
  20. Helo
  21. Kwai
  22. Likee
  23. Mail Master
  24. Meitu (Photo editing, Xiamen Meitu Network Technology co, Ltd)
  25. Mi Community—Xiaomi
  26. Mi Video Call —-Xiaomi
  27. Mobile Legends
  28. New Video Status
  29. Newsdog( Hintersteller)
  30. Parallel Space(Parallel Space Inc)
  31. Photo Wonder
  32. QQ International
  33. QQ Launcher
  34. QQ Mail
  35. QQ Music
  36. QQ Newsfeed
  37. QQ Player
  38. QQ Security Center
  39. ROMWE
  40. SelfieCity
  41. Shareit
  42. Shein
  43. Sweet Selfie
  44. TikTok (Byte Dance)
  45. U Video
  46. UC Browser(mobile internet company U c web, Alibaba Group)
  47. UC News
  48. V fly Status Video
  49. Vault- Hide
  50. Vigo Video
  51. Viva Video — QU Video Inc
  52. Vmate
  53. We Meet
  54. WeChat
  55. Weibo
  56. WeSync
  57. Wonder Camera
  58. Xender (Xender Digital Technology Pvt Limited)
  59. YouCam makeup


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