Top 100 Objective Type GK Questions Answers 2021 for all exams

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Objective type gk (general knowledge) questions with answers for all exams 2020-2021Here you will find important general knowledge questions which are tricky and objective. All competitive exams like upsc, lic, defence, railways, psc, ssc, ibps, police 2019 appearing candidates can follow these questions which are frequently asked. These objective type top gk questions are about geography, economy, history, constitution, legislature, culture, personality, science, sports, literature, polity, world organisation and current affairs.

Objective type General

Knowledge Question

Answers 2020-2021

1. Who wrote the The Discovery of India?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

2. Which Indian artist composed music to the song “Sare jahan se acha” ?
Answer: Pandit Ravi Shankar

3. Which is the world’s oldest news agency ?
Answer: AFP (Agence France Presse)

4. What is the chemical or scientific name of Tear Gas ?
Answer: Chloroacetophenone

5. Which is the only hobby recognized by the United Nations ?
Answer: Ham Radio

6. What is the national flower of Pakistan?
Answer: Jasmine

7. What is the scientific name of Cockroach ?
Answer: Periplaneta americana

8. What is the unit of luminous intensity ?

Answer: Candela

Q. What is life science?

Answer : The sciences concerned with the study of living organisms, including biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology and related subjects

9. What is the unit of  pressure?Answer: Pascal

Q. What is physical sciences?

Answer : The sciences concerned with the study of inanimate natural objects, including physics, chemistry, astronomy and related subjects

10. What is the unit of magnetic field?
Answer: Tesla

10 a. What is the unit of power ?
Answer: Watt

11. Which famous writer is known as the Father of Snow Golf ?

Answer: Rudyard Kipling

12. How many Schedules are there in the Indian Constitution ?
Answer: 12

13. Which planet is known as Red planet?

Answer: Mars

14. Which European countries are separated by Market Reef ?

Answer: Finland and Sweden 

15. Who is the author of Panchtantra ?

Answer: Vishnu Sharma

16. Which is the coldest planet in solar system ?

Answer: Neptune

17. The Rourkela Steel Plant in Odisha was built with the collaboration of  _____ ?

Answer: Germany

18. The Durgapur Steel Plant in West Bengal was built with the collaboration of  _____ ?

Answer: Britain

19. The Bhilai Steel Plant in Chattisgarh was built with the collaboration of  _____ ?

Answer: Russia 

20. Who is the first Muslim lady in Indian history to rule the throne of Delhi ? 

Answer: Razia Sultana

21. Who composed the national anthem of Bangladesh (Amar sonar bangla) ?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
22. Who wrote the book Planned economy for India ?
Answer: M. Visvesvaraya (He is known as father of Indian planning, his birthdaySeptember 15 is observed as Engineer’s Day in India )
Q. Who wrote ‘Discovery of India?
Answer : Jawaharlal Nehru
23. Which is the oldest sports in the world?
Answer: Archery  ( It is the national sports of Bhutan)
24. What is the normal duration of Hockey game ?
Answer: 70 Minuete
25. Which Minor Rock Edict of Asoka describes the conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka?
Answer: No. XIII (13)

26. Who is the author of Joy of Numbers?

Answer: Shakuntala Devi

27. Who is the creator of the painting The Potato Eaters ?

Answer: Vincent van Gogh

28. Folketing is the parliament of which country ?

Answer: Denmark

29. What is the chemical name of Lime stone ?

Answer: Calcium Carbonate

30. Zero degree centigrade equal to _________ degree Fahrenheit ? 

Answer:  32 

31. Zero Kelvin in Kelvin scale is equal to ____________degree Celsius in Celsius scale ?

Answer: -273.5 Degree Celsius
32. What is dry ice?
Ans:- Solid Carbon Di Oxide
33. What is Avogadro number?
Ans:- It is 6.023×1025
34. Every action has a equal and opposite reaction, which law of Newton indicates this?
Ans:- Newton’s Third Law
35. Who said “Swaraj Is Our Birth Right”?
Ans:- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
36. In which year first Nobel Prize was awarded?
Ans:- 1901
37. How much percentage silver does German Silver contain?
Ans:- Zero percent
38. In which year Penicillin was invented by Alexander Fleming?
Ans:- 1928
39. Who is the writer of the book Metaphysics?
Ans:- Aristotle
40. Which color a bird can’t see?
Ans:- Violet and Blue
41. What is Dutch Metal?
Ans:- Dutch Metal is a form of brass being an alloy of copper 84% and zinc 16%.
42. In which year East and West Germany united?
Ans:- 1990
43. Encyclopedia Britannica was first published in the year-
Ans:- 1768
44. Which is the longest river of Japan?
Ans:- Shinano
45. Which country has the largest coastline?
Ans:- Canada, 202080 Kilometer
46. Which object has the highest speed of light between glass and water?
Ans:- Water
47. Which is the ‘highest active’ volcano in the world?
Ans:- Cotopaxy- Latacunga, Ecuador, South America
48. What is the full name of Fidel Castro?
Ans:- Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, Cuba
49. When and where subway train first introduced in the world?
Ans:- 10 January, 1863 London
50. Which plant grows faster?
Answer:- Bamboo
51. Why gamma knife is used for?
Ans:- For treatment of brain tumor
52. What is the chemical name of petrol?
Ans:- Gasoline
53. How much percent of salt does seawater contain?
Answer:- 3.5%
54. Which is the hardest thing in human body?
Answer:- Tooth enamel
55. Where rigor mortis can be seen?
Answer:- Muscle
55. What is the formula of bleaching powder?
Answer:- Ca(OCL)2
56. Which chemical is heavily responsible for depletion of ozone layer?
Answer:- Chlorofluorocarbon
57. What is the chemical formula of glucose?
Answer:- C6O12O6
58. Which city is known by ‘Modern Babylon’?
Answer:- London
59. Who is the first person to discover and use the term ‘Geography’?
Answer : Greek mathematician and geographer Eratosthenes first used the term geography(276-195 BC). Eratosthenes is also known as ‘Father of  Geography’.
60. When the Russian Geographical Society was founded?
Answer : In the year 1845
61. When the American Geographical Society was founded?
Answer : In the year 1851
62. In how many branches geography is divided by?
Answer : Geography is divided by some major branches – Physical geography, Human geography, Geomatics, Integrated geography and Regional geography. These major branches are divided in many sub-branches.
63. Who is known as Father of modern geography?
Answer : Alexander von Humboldt
64. Which Greek geographer cum philosopher wrote the historical book ‘Geographica’ in 20BC?
Answer : Strabo wrote this book in Greek language. Geographica is an encyclopedia with geographical knowledge
65. Which world famous explorer cum navigator discovered the land of America in 1492?
Answer : Italian citizen Christopher Columbus
66. When the National Geographic Society was founded?
Answer : In  the year 1888
Q. What is equator?
Answer : On Earth, the Equator is an imaginary line on the surface, equidistant from the North and South poles deviding the Earth into Northern and Sothern Hemisperes. It is about 40000 kms long.
Q. What is the smallest continent by area?
Ans: Australia 
Q. What is latitude?
Ans: Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on Earth’s surface
Q. What is longitude?
Ans: Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth’s surface
Q. What is geotagging?
Ans: Geotagging is a process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as photograph, video, sms messages, websites, qr codes or rss feeds and is a form of geospatial metadata.
Q. What is the latitude of North Pole?
Answer: 90 degree north
Q. India lies on which continental plate?
Ans: Indo-Australian plate
Q. What is the geographical coordinates of India?
Ans: 21°N 78°E
Q. What is India’s southernmost point that lies in Andaman-Nicobar Island?
Ans: Indira Point
Q. What is the latitude of South Pole?
Ans: 90° south
Q. There are how many atmospheric layer on earth?
Ans: Five – tropospere, stratosphere, mesospere, thermosphere and exosphere
Q. Who discovered the gravity of earth?
Ans: English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton
Q. How much oxygen can be found in air?
Ans: 20.9%
Q. Which natural element is mostly found in air?
Answer: Nitrogen 78.0%
Q. How many continental plates are there on earth?
Answer : There are seven major plates exists they are – African plates, Antarctic plates, Eurasian plates, North American plates, South American plates, Pacific plates and Indo-Australian plates
Q. Which plates are mostly effected by an earthquake?
Answer: Earthquake epicenters occur mostly along tectonic plate boundaries, especially on the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Q. What is the third-largest river in the world by discharge?
Ans: The Ganges, originated from Gangotri Glacier it mixes in Bay of Bengal. It is also the longest river in India, length 2525 kms.
Q. What is the mass of earth?

Ans: 6×1024 kg

67. Who is considered as the Father of History?
Answer : Greek historian Herodotus
68. What is the origin of the word History?
Answer : History word originated from Greek ‘historia’, it means inquiry
69. What was the major civilisation in South-Asia between 3300-1300 BCE?
Answer : Indus Valley civilisation which spread and flourished in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent
70. Where is the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) situated at?
Answer : Kolkata, West Bengal
71. Where is the National Geophysical Research Institute(NGRI) located at?
Answer : Hyderabad, Telangana, India
72. When the Delhi Sultanate found?
Answer : 1206 AD
73. Which god was being worshiped in Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer : Pashupati the form of lord Shiva
74. Who is known as ‘Magician of Hockey’?
Answer : Indian player Dhyan Chand
75. When India won first ICC Cricket World Cup?
Answer : In 1983
76. What is the National game in India?
Answer : Hockey
77. Who is the first Indian to receive Nobel Prize in literature?
Answer : Rabindranath Tagore in 1913
Q. Who is known as Father of English literature?
Ans: Geoffrey Chaucer
78. What is the highest literary award in India?
Answer : Jnanpith Award
79. What is the highest sports award in India?
Answer : Rajib Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
80. Who discovered the first sea-route to India?
Answer : Portugese sailor Vasco Da Gama in 1498
81. Who is known by Iron Man of India?
Answer : Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
82. Who is known by Father of Nation?
Answer : Mahatma Gandhi
83. Who is the first Indian sportsperson ever to win an Olympic gold medal individually?
Answer : Abhinaba Bindra in 2008 Beijing Olympic(Men’s 10 Meter air rifle)
84. What is the largest economy in the world in term of GDP(nominal) as of 2017?
Answer: United States of America, $18 trillion
85. What is the 6th largest economic in the world in term of nominal GDP?
Answer : India
86. Who is known as the “Father of Modern Economics”?
Answer : Scottish economist Adam Smith
87. Who received the first ever Nobel prize in economics?
Answer : Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen in 1969
88. When the World Trade Organisation was formed?
Answer : The WTO was officially founded on 1 January 1995
89. What is the structure of Legislature of India?
Answer : According to article 79 of the Constitution Indian legislative body operates through house of council(Rajya Sabha) and house of people(Lok Sabha) headed by the President
90. What is the highest literary award in India?
Ans: Jnanpith Award
91. Who is the only Indian to win Nobel Prize in Economics?
Ans: Amartya Sen in 1998
Q. Who is the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations?
Ans: Syed Akbaruddin
92. Who is the only Indian to win Nobel Prize in literature?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore in 1913
93. What is the largest written Constitution in the world?
Ans: Indian Constitution
94. Which person is known by Iron Man of India?
Ans: Sardar Ballabhbhai Patel
95. Which person is known by Nightingale of India?
Ans: Sarojini Naidu
96. Who is the winner of most recently held Miss World 2017 title?
Ans: Manushi Chhillar from Haryana
97. What political party currently ruling the government of India?
Ans: Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
Q. Who is the current Prime Minister of India?
Ans: Narendra Modi
Q. Who is the current Defence Minister of India?
Ans: Nirmala Sitharaman
Q. Which person is called as Main Architect of the Indian Constitution?
Ans: Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
Q. Who is known as ‘Political Guru’ of India?
Ans: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Q. How many members the Parliament of India consists of?
Ans: 790 (Rajya Sabha- 245, Lok Sabha- 545)
98. What is the most literate state in India?
Ans: Kerala 93.91%
99. The root of Indian literature is based on which language?
Ans: Sanskrit
Q. Hampi is an World Heritage Site situated in which Indian state?
Ans: Karnataka
100. What branch of science discusses about plants?
Ans: Botany

source : wikipedia


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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Somnath

    Very well
    Bangali general knowledge in bengali language with lots of pdf file

  2. upaul

    Ekta ans vul ache.. 76. National sports in india – hockey Hobe.. Kabaddi noi.

  3. Bikram Saha

    Thx A lot

  4. Rabin mondal

    Thank very much

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