ICSE 10th and ISC 12th result 2018| How to Check CISCE board 10th and 12th class result at www.cisce.org

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ICSE 10th and ISC 12th class Result 2018

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) has officially declared that both Indian School Certificate Examination(ICSE) 10th exam result 2018 and Indian School Certificate (ISC) 12th  exam result 2018 will be published on same day on 14 May 2018 at 3 pm. Once published the ICSE and ISC results will be available on CISCE board’s official portal www.cisce.org. A few lakhs students who appeared in ICSE and ISC exam 2018 will be able to check their result on this portal. The CISCE has confirmed this news for publishing of these two results on same day on their official website. For latest update about ICSE and ISC result 2018 candidates must check CISCE’s official website. The ICSE 10th and ISC 12th class students will also be able to check their scores, grades by sms after releasing the result by the CISCE board. Once released the digitally signed certificate of these results will also be available on Digi Locker app.(An app of Government of India)

The ICSE and ISC candidates can also check their digitally signed certificate of result 2018 through the app designed by Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India.

Latest News Update 14 May 2018, at 3pm:  ICSE and ISC 2018 result has been released by CISCE.ORG. Check result link on this page

ICSE Result 2018

The CISCE board publishes result after conducting both 10th class and 12th class exam every year. Last year in 2017 the ICSE 10th class result was announced on 27 May along with ISC 12th class result. This year in 2018 both result declaration date is quite early as the date is 14 May.

ISC Result 2018

The CISCE board conducted ICSE 10th class exam from 26 February to March 28, 2018 while ISC 12th class exam held between February 7 to 2 April. Students who appeared in ICSE and ISC board exam are eagerly waiting for their desired result will be able to check result on 14 May. 

Last year statistics says 1.75 lakh students appeared in ICSE exam 2017 and total pass percentage was 98.53% while 74000 students appeared in ISC exam and 96.47% cleared the exam.

How to check ICSE and ISC result 2018

As the ICSE and ISC result out date is confirmed so candidates will be able to check and verify their result through these following steps-

1. First of all log in to cisce board’s official site www.cisce.org. 

2. There is a direct link namely ‘ICSE and ISC result 2018’ where students need to click

3. Now put your important details like roll number, unique id(uid)and click on submit button

4. On the next screen the result with detalis including subject wise marks and grades will be displayed

5. Now download and print out the result and keep it with you for future reference

Check Result Via sms

To get ICSE result 2017 on mobile sms ICSE<SPACE><unique id>to 09248082883

To get ISC result 2017 on mobile sms ISC<space><unique id> send to 09248082883

Sudents who have not passed out can recheck their result in online mode for a scrutiny fee. 

Important Information about ICSE and ISC Result 2018

Name of Organisation – CISCE

Name of Event – ICSE and ISC exams

Result Releasing Date of ICSE- 14 May 2018

Result Releasing Date of ISC – 14 May 2018

ICSE 10th Exams held – 26 February to 28 March 2018

ISC 12th class exam held- February 7 to 2 April 2018

official website: www.cisce.org

Courses- Arts, Science and Commerce

Important Links

Check 10th & 12 class 2018 Result


ICSE and ISC board Merit List

The 2017 ICSE pass percentage was 98.53% while ISC pass percentage was 96.47%.  Along with publishing result, the cisce board also declares toppers list which is made based on merituous student’s acquired numbers. The CISCE board will also publish school wise result along with 10th class and 12th class result 2018.

About ICSE and ISC exam CISCE.ORG Board

The Council for the School Certificate Examination is a national board of school education in India that conducts ICSE and ISC exams every year for class X and XII respectively. It was came into existence in 1958. Over 2100 schools in India and abroad are affiliated to CISCE. CISCE has affiliated schools in Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, UAE and India. CISCE is a non-government/private board of school education.

In December 1967, the Council was registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act 1860. In 1973 the council was listed in the Delhi School Education Act, as a body conducting public examinations.

The ICSE and ISC courses are in English medium and exams are conducted according to Education Policy Act 1986.

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations conducts three examinations, namely ICSE, ISC and Certificate in Vocational Education(CVE) year 12.

Along with conducting board exams the CISCE fixes subjects, syllabuses, result, provides school course details etc.

ICSE and ISC Result 2018 for CISCE board Contact details

Registered Office Address: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
Pragati House, 3rd Floor, 47-48, Nehru Place,
New Delhi – 110019

Head Office address: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
P 35-36, Sector VI
Pushp Vihar, Saket
New Delhi – 110017

East Zone office address: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
East Zone Office
3rd Floor, 5, Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani (Elgin Road)
Kolkata – 700 020

Email address- council@cisce.org


Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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