How well you know about Toronto! Take part in our Toronto trivia online quiz 2020 and test your knowledge.
Toronto is officially known as City of Toronto that is the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario. Toronto is located within Golden Horseshoe in Southern Ontario on the northern shore of Lake Ontario. Also Toronto is the largest city by population in Canada and fourth-largest in North America.
Toronto Quiz 2024
1. Toronto is known by which popular name?
A) The Big Smoke
B) Hogtown
C) The Queen City
2. What city is the capital of the Ontario?
A) Waterloo
B) Toronto
C) Quebec
3. On which day North America’s biggest street festival Caribana is held?
A) January to February
B) February to March
C) July to August
4. First Caribana festival was celebrated in which year?
A) 1960
B) 1967
C) 1969
5. When the “Hockey Hall of Fame” was founded and dedicated to commemorate the history of ice hockey. ?
A) 1943
B) 1945
C) 1958
6. The Royal Ontario Museum is a museum for art, world culture and natural history. Where is it located at?
A) Oaksville
B) Quebec
C) Toronto
7. When the University of Toronto was established?
A) 1847
B) 1827
C) 1837
8. What is the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) per capita in Toronto?
A) US$40,579
B) US$45,771
C) US$46000
9. What is the tallest building in Toronto?
A) The Adelaide Toronto
B) Scotia Plaza
C) CN Tower
10. What is the largest river in Toronto?
A) Rogue River
B) Humber River
C) Don River
11. What is the geographic location of Toronto?
A) 41°32′ N 80°32′ W
B) 32°42 N 80°34 W
C) 43°42′ N 79°24′ W
12. How many years ago Toronto was settled?
A) 248
B) 268
C) 258
13. When the Battle of York was fought?
A) 1823
B) 1813
C) 1800
14. Who became the first Mayor of Toronto?
A) George Gurnett
B) William Lyon Mackenzie
C) Robert Baldwin Sullivan
15. Who is the current Mayor of Toronto as of 2024?
A) Stephen Harper
B) Rob Ford
C) John Tory