HPBOSE Class 10th results 2018: Check results at hpbose.org

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The Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) is likely to declare the HP 10th/matric class result today at 12 am. 

Earlier the result was scheduled to declare on wednesday, but it expected the HP board is going to announce the 10th class result on 3rd May 2018 at official website hpbose.org. The result will be published in online mode and can be downloaded through official website.

10th class students can also check results on examresults.net and indiaresults.com. 

The HP board of secondary education was established in 1969 headquartered at Dharamshala and conducts 10th class exam every year between February to March. This year the exam held from 7 to 20 March 2018 along with HPBOSE 12th exam from 6 March to 29 March. 

This year over one lakh students appeared in HP board 10th examination. All are waiting for their expected result today. 

Also last year 67 percent students cleared the Himachal Pradesh class 10th exam 2017

In the year 2017 the result was announced on 9 May and the 10th class exam was conducted between 4 to 17 March

Latest live Updates 3 May 1 pm 2018 : The HPBOSE reuslt will be released on 3pm today

How to check HPBOSE 10th class result 2018

Here are step by step guidelines to check 10th class results. Students must follow these important following steps to check and download result

1. First of all login to HPBOSE official website hpbose.org

2. Now put your details such as date of birth, roll number, etc

3. Now click on “Himachal Pradesh 10th Redults 2018” link

4. Finally submit to get the 10th class result and download and print out the result.

5. Candidates also can get released result by sending sms to preferred number

How to get HPBOSE 10th result by sms

Write sms at HP10<roll no> to 5676750

This is an example not given by board

HPBOSE 2018 Merit List

The merit list of HPBOSE result will be based on highest marks acquired by the 10th students. To get school wise and district wise result, visit the official website of the Board. Students who will score between 90 to 99% will be under Board’s merit list. Students need to get qualifying marks fixed by the HPBOSE to pass the 10th exam.

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About Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education(HPBOSE)

The Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education came into existence on 1969 according to act no 14, 1968 with its headquarter at Shimla later shifted to Dharamshala in 1983. The Board has stuffs strength og 438.

The Education Board prescribes syllabus, courses of instructions and text books for school education in Himachal Pradesh. Presently the Board conducts 10th, 10+2 etc examinations. The Himachal Board also publishes merit list of 10 toppers along with result. 


Jobprostuti admin is a passionate blogger, interested in educational article informing you about current affairs, general knowledge, job news with exam result

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